framing the problem:
The workforce is changing.
What worked for your parents isn’t effective now, or may not even apply to your generation. You've heard several myths about “millennials” which, though you can probably relate to them, may be holding you back. Do any of these sound familiar?
“Millennials/Gen Z’ers have a terrible work ethic and are lazy."
"They’re so entitled.”
“Hire them now – but they’ll just jump ship in a year.”
“Young adults these days can’t even pay attention for 5 minutes – they’re oversubscribed and underperforming.”
“I feel like young adults don’t know how to carry a conversation anymore.”
If you have heard of any of these, I want you to flip the narrative and think this instead:
“Research actually shows that Millennials have begun to work harder and longer hours when compared to their Gen X peers in recent years. Some studies might change your mindset and suggest that Milennials are taking fewer vacations than you think.”
“Companies are now valuing culture more than ever. Most young adults realize the value of having a great place to work and would accept a significantly lower salary to work at a company with better culture.
“Yes, I do subscribe to a lot of feeds because I care about my impact in the world. Sure, I could do better at managing my time, but I can do more with a click than someone could do with two days 40 years ago.”
To effect change, love your career, and win – it all starts with understanding yourself.
Working with Nuance Strategies, here's what you can expect from our coaches:
- Being proactive with the vast resources around you. Stop Instagramming or Snapping your meals and figure out how to truly better your life by understanding technology and your place in it.
- Advertising your ROI to yourself the world. That’s a strange way to put it, yes – but think about it this way: every day you are investing in your time, money, and energy. How well do you know how to impact those around you and how will you present this information to decision makers and those on your team?
- How do I manage all of this information? We have put a lot of research into time management and goalsetting. The truth is that there is no golden formula – you need a system that is tailored for you and works with your schedule.
“What do I want to do with my life? What is my passion and purpose?” If you’re paying anyone to figure that out for you, you need to change your strategy.
Break the question down into manageable and quantifiable parts. We believe that you have the answers already, and assessments can guide you. But you need to ask yourself the right questions:
- When are the last few times I felt a true sense of accomplishment?
- How would I ideally structure my day?
- What problems do I love to solve?
- What blogs and podcasts do I subscribe to and listen to in my free time?